Paper Guidelines
Please organize your abstract in accordance with the abstract submission guidelines. The Scientific Committee advises you to check your abstract, and resubmit after revision if the format does not match. The abstracts should be written in English or Turkish (i.e., the language you are going to present the study). We would like to remind that the abstract book will be prepared based on your submission.
Please upload your revised or extended abstract using the upload area on your home page if you will not be uploading a full paper.
Title (Turkish or English based on your presentation language)
The title should be given as soon as possible to reflect the contents of papers, first in capital letters, align the center and should be written in bold. Abbreviation of the title should not be used unless absolutely necessary.
Authors (All authors' names contributing the paper)
Under the title and author's / authors' name and surname, address, e-mail addresses should be given.
10 pt., Times New Roman. Abstract should include the purpose of the study, the rationale, methodology, findings, discussion, and the results.
Page Format
A4 size, Top of (2.5 cm), bottom (2.5 cm), right (2.5 cm) and left (2.5 cm) space. Papers written text, single-spaced, justified by using a plain text and without spelling the end of the line should be written. 0.5 cm indent for paragraphs should be used, the space between the paragraphs should not be used.
10 pt. Times New Roman
If you would like to publish in the ICITS 2016 Proceedings and sponsor journals, you should submit a full paper. After the acceptance of the abstract, you will be provided with an upload area on your submission page.